In fact, under this provisional agreement, i Signed countries To commit To terminate Tax on digital services They USA take over 25% withdrawal of punitive duties In some product categories, the final agreement on global taxation will take effect in 2023.
The global agreement reached at the OECD / G20, as it is known, is based on two pillars: the tax on profits made in the countries where commercial activities actually take place; The minimum rate for multinational companies is 15%. The now-exhausted agreement, which Ireland has accepted as yes, is now awaiting the final signing of the world leader at the G20 in Rome on October 30-31.
The Ministry of Finance and Finance The Italian, commenting on the conversion agreement, said it was “a Practical solution This will ensure that the above countries are able to focus on their collective efforts to successfully implement the historic agreement. ” Termination of commercial action taken In response to taxes on digital services. ”
The British Finance MinisterHowever, the Chancellor is Shi Sunak. ” This means that our digital service tax is protected until 2023Therefore, its revenue may continue to finance vital public services. “
UstrU.S. Trade Representative OfficeThe deal was welcomed, citing U.S. opposition to trade partners unilaterally taxing digital services. Ambassador Catherine Thai recalled that the deal would “help the AP”An end to the competition below the tax on multinational companies Levels the scope of corporate taxes. “
(Photo: © Jan Mikš / 123RF)
(Teleborsa) 22-10-2021 09:13
Prone to fits of apathy. Unable to type with boxing gloves on. Internet advocate. Avid travel enthusiast. Entrepreneur. Music expert.