Rewardance, Animated Adventure Keegan, an Irish boy, and his Spanish friend Moya tell the story of learning to dance while engaging in various adventures with a magical man. The film is inspired by the famous Irish dance show River Dance.
Animation directed by Emon Buttler, who worked on the visual effects Hellboy 2 And Ant manDave Rosenbaum, producer of popular animations Minions, Sing, The secret life of pets And Kung Fu PandaInspired by the famous Irish dance show Riverdance.
This animation is produced by Sky Cinema and is available on Netflix. You can access the title via This link.
Watch the movie trailer:
Learn more about the show River Dance Inspired by animation
Famous for being seen by millions around the world, Eurovision was first launched in 1994 with a modest 7 minute appearance! At the time, it was just a break number, as we say in television jargon, listening to a pause between the 2 songs in the match.
Moreover, Eurovision and Ireland are a long story. Indeed, with seven wins (1970, 1980, 1987, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1996) Ireland is the country that has won the Eurovision the most times!
But back to the subject (of course Irish) see the 1994 performance below.
River Dance: 25th Anniversary
To celebrate the 25th anniversary of Rewardance, a 2-hour annual show was recorded in 2020, a powerful and emotional remake of the show.
Note that the show was acclaimed worldwide and won a notable Grammy Award in 1997.
Here is the trailer for the Anniversary Show
How to watch the show live?
If the videos above appeal to you, why not go there and enjoy the view of Ireland?
In Dublin, for example, there will be performances at the Getty Theater between June 17 and September 11. There will also be performances in Cork at Live at the Marquee on June 2, 3, 4 and 5. Find out more about shows in Ireland and shows in other countries Right.
Wannabe twitter trailblazer. Troublemaker. Freelance beer evangelist. Amateur pop culture nerd.