Urban photographer Romain Vaillon pays homage to an abandoned hotel in Ireland. The result is incredible.
Some journeys may take a completely different turn than planned. Romain Veillon was on vacation in Ireland when he was surprised by an article from a local newspaper that mentioned an old hotel that was now abandoned.
Curious, urban photographer and editor Boring Panda Decided to visit it. His surprise was in line with his expectations.
Nature takes back its rights
Located on the coast, the hotel was destroyed by the sea and the storm. Plants have taken over and invaded the rooms of the establishment from floor to ceiling. Some of the objects and furniture of the hotel are intact. What gives the film the impression of an apocalyptic film Planet of the Apes.
The photographer on board Panda explained: “When you get the chance to explore such an incredible place, it feels like one of those post-apocalyptic visions where humanity has disappeared from the face of the earth and you’re wandering in an empty world. It’s a strange feeling, the atmosphere created is incredible, and I hope I managed to capture it faithfully in my photographs. We let you discover this incredible abandoned place through pictures.
Credit: Romain Veillon
Credit: RomainVeillon
Credit: RomainVeillon
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