A place where all politicians have a word and reaffirm the first step needed to create real politics: attend, talk, meet.
This is what the Diocesan Office of Social Pastoral Care recommends through the City Council with the full support of the parish vicars and Archbishop Moscon.
Three online discussion events, open to all citizens, are divided into local areas.
Every citizen can register and say and say a word. What?
In his own idea of the city, he hopes to point out what the serious problems plaguing the city (not just a small change like a broken sidewalk). We want to hear everyone’s idea to focus and focus on themes and activities to work with.
We will divide the city into three zones, and each citizen can register according to the area of their area.
Saturday 6 March Area 1: San Giuseppe, Trinita, San Camilo, San Michel
Saturday March 13 Area 2: Cathedral, Stella Maris, Santa Maria del Carmine, Holy Spirit
Saturday 20 March Area 3: RSS. Redeemer, Holy Family, San Pio, San Carlo, Santa Maria Regina in Siponto, Santa Maria del Grano in Borgo Mason.
Meetings are held online on the Zoom platform at:
Ore 16:00 Start a video call and an introduction to the activity
Only 16:15 Divide into five small subgroups for group discussion (this happens automatically)
Ore 17:00 -17: 30 Return to the larger group to hear a summary of the subgroups.
To register, enter your name, surname, and email by clicking on the link below, select the date you want to attend, and indicate the area.
On the specified day, in the hours before the meeting, you will receive a link to access. We recommend that you download the Zoom app to your PC, mobile phone or tablet for better performance, but you can also access it.
The link for registration is as follows: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0vcuqrrj4rEtS5pXNVjBeMLBeflslA17vI
The first 100 subscribers will be admitted on each date. Others may follow
There can be a maximum of 100 people discussing “live” in online chat rooms every day, and everyone else can follow him live on Facebook. 100 will be the first hundred of each registered zone.
Over 100 subscribers can follow the opening part (from 16: 00- 16:15) and the last part (17:00 – 17:30) live on the Facebook page. www.facebook.com/pslpolicoromanfredonia/live Or on the Yotube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXSj0VUeUFmNn6yEJENiK6A Maybe write your own interventions.
Additionally, those unable to attend can send suggestions and ideas to psl.diocesimanfredonia@gmail.com in any case.
For one person only Mountain village The meeting will be held in person throughout the day March 19, 2021.
Participants will be divided into 5 rooms led by a moderator and an online discussion will take place.
Citizens are invited into responsible participation in the chambers, and everything remains the same, trying to turn the static point of view of political representatives into a candidate without personal interest.
The City Council will explain the issues raised by preparing a program on certain issues, and then meet with everyone involved in the training / comparison meetings to find good training experts and experience solutions to the issues.
All citizens are invited to attend, especially all coordinators, participants in groups, movements, and political associations.
Office Director Prof. Massimiliano Arena
Travel fan. Freelance analyst. Proud problem solver. Infuriatingly humble zombie junkie.