This will enable users to shop on foreign sites and search for information.
Thanks to computer vision technologies and Yandex.Translate, the browser learned to translate text into images, the company The user does not need to download additional extensions.
To translate a specific image, the user must select the appropriate item in the context menu. If the user translates the entire site, the “Translate” button will appear on the images. To translate all images, the user must open the “Translator” menu in the address bar and select the desired item.
“Yandex Bra browser sir”
“Language barriers prevent people from learning new things by limiting them to content in their native language. One of the tasks of the browser team is to help people overcome this barrier so that they can feel comfortable on any site, ”explained Roman Ivanov, head of Yandex Browser.
This feature is already available in Windows browser and beta for Android. In the near future, it will appear in the browser version for other desktop platforms and by the end of 2021 – iOS.
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Problem solver. Incurable bacon specialist. Falls down a lot. Coffee maven. Communicator.