As this bank has opened fewer screening centers during the holidays, the incidence rate has dropped artificially in France. Public Health France warned.
A fall in Trompe-L Oil, a mistake on Easter weekend. According to figures released by Public Health France this Thursday evening, the number of Kovid-19 cases or people per 100,000 residents has dropped significantly in less than a week.
It rose from 408.2 per lakh residents to 333.4 between Sunday and Monday. According to the official official figures of the health authorities, Published on Thursday evening – rates have been stagnant for the past few days. This indicator is calculated three days after the date of sampling to allow maximum test results to be reported.
More than 18% of cases are artificial and say nothing about the current dynamics of the epidemic. Because this week, from March 30th to April 5th, Easter Monday included a public holiday. However, as of the weekend, several screening sites were closed. The Public Health France website warns against misinterpretation of this information:
“Because of public holidays, epidemiological indicators (sampled in 7 sliding days, calculated from D-9 to D-3) should be carefully interpreted in comparison to a week without a public holiday. Not an unusual reduction. “
All indicators were affected
When we compare the number of tests performed on Easter Monday compared to other Mondays, the decrease in the activity of the screening centers is obvious. On April 5, the Public Health France database recorded 105,882 tests, with an average of 549,966 on Mondays in March – not public holidays -.
Affects other indicators as well. As of April 29, 1,219 new admissions had been made to the hospital. On Monday, March 29, it was 2,099. Similarly, 197 deaths were reported at the hospital on Easter Monday. Because on public holidays like weekends, the feedback from hospitals is always low because the number of employees is low.
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