When it was launched WhatsApp For the first time in 2009, hundreds of tricks have been published so far that bypass some of the functions of the app itself, for example: hide the word “online” connection or “write…”, add unlock after replying to a message with a fingerprint, activate “super dark mode”, etc., to this list we add one more we found at Depot, and we talk about strategy See if your contacts have blocked you from their statusesDo you want to know this information? Follow the steps we teach you below.
This is a bug or error that Meta has not fixed yet WhatsApp Web, because when you’re blocked from the States by an iOS or Android device, you’ll still know if that user has published anything and you’ll even get the exact time in the browser version. Note, you won’t see this information on mobiles, so turn on your computer or laptop to find out if they have hidden you.
You can know if someone has hidden you from their statuses on WhatsApp
- First, go WhatsApp Web In Google Chrome (preferably this browser).
- Link your account by scanning the QR code with your iOS or Android phone.
- Now, wait for that contact who blocked you from status to post photo or video.
- You can see the status only on the web version of the app, not on the phone.
- It is necessary to emphasize that you will not see the content, you will only know that he published something at a certain time.
- It appears and disappears constantly so we recommend that you stay aware.
What does a gray check mean on WhatsApp?
- When you try to send a WhatsApp message it remains in a check.
- Some feel that someone else has stopped them.
- However, there are various meanings associated with the gray check.
- One of them is that the other person may have decided to remove you from the app altogether.
- Another has to do with having that contact in a place where the signal doesn’t lead to your cell phone.
- A gray check means your message was sent, but not received.
- If two gray checks appear, it means that person already has your message on WhatsApp.
How to schedule a WhatsApp message?
- For this we need to make a backup of our WhatsApp chats.
- You just need to go to Settings, Chats and Backup.
- When you do, download WhatsApp Business.
Problem solver. Incurable bacon specialist. Falls down a lot. Coffee maven. Communicator.