A WhatsApp spokesperson said that WhatsApp’s new privacy policy will bring many limitations to users who do not approve it before May 15. A WhatsApp spokesperson said in an interview with Android Central that the company has not backed down from its previously announced policy. Months ago, the company announced that it would not delete the accounts of those who did not comply with the privacy policy by May 15. However, many features will not be available from the next day. Even if the account is maintained, you will not be able to view the chat list, make new chats, or make audio or video calls. However, the user can take incoming calls. Calls that could not be taken cannot be called back. You will receive notifications in a few days.
Plus, you’ll be able to see messages sent by someone. You can also reply to them. But all this will only last a few weeks. Nothing is stretched indefinitely. Gradually, incoming calls will not be allowed to be taken and notifications will be given so that the app will be completely disabled. Earlier, the company had said it would delete the accounts of those who did not comply with the privacy policy on February 8. All services were extended to those who did not approve of the policy at that time. The company has made it clear that nothing like that will happen this time around. A spokesman for the company told Android Central that it was only giving those who did not agree to the privacy policy more time to reconsider. Those who do not agree with the new privacy policy continue to receive notifications every day, and this is written on the top of the chat list. All this is a clear indication that there is no need to assume that all features can be used beyond May 15.
Will the policy change for Indians?
At the same time, there are those who argue that this could be a condition for global users. It is also heard that restrictions may not be imposed on Indians. But even in India, the question arises as to why users who do not agree to the privacy policy are shown reminders every day. In India, there are some possibilities not to impose WhatsApp’s new privacy policy. The case filed in the Delhi High Court alleges that WhatsApp’s new policy does not respect the privacy policy introduced by India in 2011 in five ways. There is also a case in the Supreme Court. The Union IT Ministry has also come out strongly against WhatsApp against the new policy. The IT ministry has written to WhatsApp chief executive officer Will Catcart asking it to repeal the new privacy policy.
WhatsApp also allows those who do not agree with the privacy policy in Europe to use it. In the light of the ongoing cases and controversies, it remains to be seen whether WhatsApp will take any similar decision in the case of Indians. In any case, Indians will have to wait until May 16 to see if there will be any restrictions.
പുതിയ New stickers on WhatsApp on Mother’s Day
WhatsApp has released a new sticker pack for use on May 9, Mother’s Day. The Mama Love stickers have been made available to Android and iOS users. There are a total of 11 stickers in the pack.
സർക്കാർ Govt to stop spreading fake news of Kovid
The central government has demanded the removal of false news related to Kovid-19, which has been circulating on social media such as Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, Telegram and Instagram. It has been asked to take immediate action in this regard. Or the government warns that action will have to be taken under the Information Technology Act 2000.
എ Samsung A52 5G to arrive in India soon
Samsung is reportedly preparing to launch a new 5G phone in India. The A52 will be a 5G phone. The 5G variant of this model will be priced at Rs 31,499. On the other hand, if you don’t want 5G, you can buy the A52 model for Rs 26,499. Behind it will be a quad camera system including a 64MP module.
്മി Super AMOLED display for Redmi Note 10S, 5000 mAh battery
Redmi, a sub-brand of Xiaomi, is all set to launch the Note 10S with a Super AMOLED display. It has a 5000 mAh battery and a 64 MP main camera. There will be four rear camera systems. The processor will be MediaTekHelio G95.
Eva says their sensors can detect other vehicles within 500 meters
The company, which makes sensors for self-driving vehicles (Aeva), says the new sensors will allow cars to detect vehicles up to 500 meters away. The company’s sensors, installed by former Apple engineers, can detect pedestrians up to 350 meters away. The company manufactures sensors using lidar technology. Their rival sensors are capable of detecting vehicles at a distance of about 300 meters.
Sold by Sennheiser Audio Company
The German company that made and sold the famous Sennheiser headphones has sold it to the Swedish company Sonova Holdings AG. Sennheiser will no longer own Sonova unless governments oppose it. Sennheiser currently has about 600 employees.
ച്ചു Amazon postpones Prime Day Sale in India
Amazon, the e-commerce platform, has announced that it has postponed this year’s Prime Day Sale in India.
English Summary: WhatsApp backtracks to enforce new privacy policy, but hold outs will have ‘limited account activity’
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