Strict health measures have been put in place to combat the Kovid-19 epidemic. They affect humans, but not only that. Pets also need to respect certain health rules.
Pets Kovid-19
Although little information is currently available about animals exposed to the Kovid-19 virus, it is known that humans can infect animals. In contrast, no cases of animal-to-human transmission of the virus have been reported. However, mink can be infected and spread to humans. Cats can be infected with Covid-19 and can be transmitted to other cats. In the case of dogs, they can also be infected, but the virus cannot be transmitted.
If you have Covid-19 symptoms, avoid contact with your pet. This means you should not hit them or share food with them. Remember to wash your hands regularly and avoid coughing or sneezing in your pet.
How to travel with your pet?
If you want to take your dog, cat or other pet on a trip, you need to follow some guidelines. Your pet may travel with you to another EU country or a non-EU country to a European country.
If you have had an electronic chip or tattoo applied before July 3, 2011, you can also travel with your pet. In addition, it should be vaccinated against rabies and treated for echinococcosis, thyroid infections, and small flatworms. If you are traveling to an EU country or Northern Ireland or a country outside the EU, your pet must have a valid European pet passport. Remember to take less Cat food Or your dog on the go.
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