Under the orders, the local government in Junan paid a total of S / 70,000 Vladimir Seron Fernando Orihula, a subdivisional officer for national security, and Carlos Sarat Villalobos, along with two other officers, obtained documents for service orders for “security and custody” according to documents received by El Comercio.
The prosecutor’s office began an investigation into the S / 30,000 that agents would receive as a “bonus,” however, the newspaper reported that the service orders it had access paid paid an additional S / 40,000.
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According to, the first amount Regional Executive Resolution No. 125-2019-GR-JUNIN / GR Signed January 24, 2019, by Seron Rojas-El Comorcio Agreed-Resolved “Allow payment of special bonuses to police officers who provide security and protection to the person of the local governor for the period from 1 January 2019 to 31 December 2019”.

Memorandum N ° 56-2019-GRJ / GRRPPAT records that bonus officers had the resources to pay bonuses in the budget for fiscal year 2019 under the Regional Management of Planning, Budget and Territorial Conditioning. “Regular Resources”. That is, money for the state.
Although the law states that public servants cannot perform or perform more than one public function without teaching.
That year, according to State Procurement Monitoring Agency (OSCE), Carlos Sarat Villalobos, making a monthly payment of S / 12,000 under the S / 1,000 service orders received in 2019. Edwin Mamani Cesares received S / 10,000 for his service order, and Urino Parelos Lopez received S / 9,000 for nine months.

That is, among the three, they would receive S / 31,000 under service orders to provide security for Junan’s local governor, Vladimir Seron at the time.
Junan, the founder of Peru Libre, served as governor from January 2019, but his term lasted only until August of the same year, ending his sentence for corruption and disqualification from holding public office against him.
Despite this, due to an executive resolution, he continued to make payments to police officers who came to protect his successor, Fernando Orihula.

At the end of that year, Orihula Rojas signed another regional executive resolution (No. 111-2020-GRJ-GR), which provided “special bonuses” to three police officers for a security year. Guardian as regional governor.
The new period will be from January 1, 2020 to May 31, 2020. However, service orders paying S / 1,000 per month to each police officer were issued until December 2020. The only month in which service orders were paid was not recorded in March.
That year, three police officers received a total of S / 33,000 as per service orders.

Petty Officer Soret Villalobos continued to receive monthly S / 1,000 payments of S / 6,000 from March to July 2021, in accordance with OSCE and two local executive resolutions signed by Orihula Rojas.
In other words, NCO Zárate Villalobos received a total bonus of S / 29,000 in January 2019 – along with Vladimir Seron’s management – from January to December 2020 and from March 2021 to July 2021. . At the same time, Mamani received S / 21,000 and Pearles Lopez received S / 20,000 as per service orders.

This brought the total to S / 70,000, which came out of the local government treasury in Junan to deliver bonuses to police officers; In addition, they received a monthly salary from the National Police.
As indicated by the Ministry of Public Administration, Article 40 of the Constitution establishes that “no public servant or public servant shall perform more than one paid public service or position, except for one or more teaching purposes.”
Therefore, issuing executive resolutions and service orders of former local governors would violate the constitutional order.
The The prosecution launched an investigation into the inconsistent discussions Against Seron Rojas, Orihula Rojas and Sarat Villalobos for the first part of the payment.
The newspaper tried to collect the edition of the three policemen, but in the PNP press area they indicated that they had no authority to testify as the investigation progressed. He searched for the version through Junan Police Macrorizian, but they did not respond until the end of the report.
The newspaper contacted three lawyers from Seron Roses. Attorney Raul Nobbsilla was the only one to respond to our call, pointing out that, in light of the various circumstances and circumstances, “relevant discharges will be made where appropriate” – not the media courts.
“We must be careful. The only thing I can answer is that everything will be clear. The defense acts responsibly and always respects authority, but we also respect the right to fair process and respect for equality of arms.“, I pay attention.

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