It is always a pleasure to receive visits through Negri as it is today. In September last year the journal organized one of its reader trips to Dublin, successfully splitting hundreds of participants into three start-up groups. Today, as a gesture of appreciation, respect and gratitude, Ireland’s Ambassador to Italy, Colm Offline, visited our newspaper and editorial staff, accompanied by Youth Minister Catherine Sapon and Irish Tourism Director Italy Director Niam Kinsella. The team met with Editor-in-Chief Andrea Indini at
The “official” goal of the show was to present an award to our newspaper for the Dublin initiative, which was recognized by CEO Andrea Fawari. With Deputy Director Francesco del Vigo, Editor-in-Chief Marco Lombardo, Gia Caesar, Giornale Stefano Pasquinci’s Head of Tourism and Travel Pages, nature’s official nature became an interesting exchange throughout the board. There is a bond of friendship between our newspaper and the Republic of Ireland, which will soon lead to the organization of a new trip to the land of St. Patrick.
Tv fanatic. Amateur food maven. Devoted webaholic. Travel lover. Entrepreneur. Evil writer. Beer guru.