Our house still does not move but there is no research or support, but today CRISPR-Cas9 Take it a step further Luther University Hall-Wittenberg (MLU) And in Germany Leibniz Institute of Plant Biochemistry (IPB) Develop a gene editing tool jointly CRISPR-Cas9 New improved version
Allows up to 12 genes to be edited in plants with a single operation.
Dr. Johannes Stuttman Plant Geneticist SinceInstitute of Biology The biologist who developed this section, Dr. The MLU Institute of Biology explains that the scientists developed this work based on the work of Sylvestre Marilonet.Molecules (Building Block) Best suited for the system. CRISPR-Cas9 in IPB
Part creation Molecules This allows plants to produce more CAS9 enzymes that act as scissors for cutting genetic material.
And localized RNA can be added (Guide the DNA-like structures of RNAs) Up to 24 different types to guide the enzyme. It helps to cut into multiple locations as needed in the genetic material
This method has been tried Arabidopsis taliana (small flowers of the same group as broccoli) used by scientists for experiments) And Nicodiana benthamiana (native tobacco found in northern and central Australia)
Currently, Arabidopsis taliana can edit up to 12 genes and up to eight Nicotiana benthamiana plants, which is the first turning point. To conquer gene complexity all at once.
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