Jack Gleeson The cruel Joffrey Baratheon will last forever Power play. For the Irish actor, the adventure ended in 2014, at the beginning of the fourth season. No one regretted it (his character, not the actor). When he left the show, he was only 22 years old, and Jack returned to his favorite studies in philosophy. He put his acting career on hold for six years before finding his way to the set.
Jack Gleeson: Married!
The unofficial Nellie Oleson turns 30 today. And he has changed a lot. Physically first, Jack Gleason now sports a mustache (which makes us a little weird). Personally, he’s right to marry. “Yes,” the actor said Roisin O’Mahony, is also an actress. The couple married in a small church in the Glen near Cork, Ireland (where he was born).
Bucolic, fun weddings (especially not bloody!). In terms of clothing, Jack Gleeson didn’t try too hard, he wore simple gray pants and a green shirt, which matched the brown shoes. For her part, the bride opted for a rather subdued pink and blue silk dress with pastel patterns.
Jack Gleeson, a very sensible groom
No need to rely on Jack Gleason to share Pictures of the event, he is not on social networks. Father Lynch, who married them, took care of it. “It was an incredible celebrationHe said openly. I will cherish many memories of this special day. This wedding ceremony was amazing because of its simplicity and the families gathered to celebrate.. He further clarified Irish Independent, The couple had planned to hold a second ceremony, but this time in England.
Film celebrity Jason Gleeson and Royce: The Glenn Church A very simple, prayerful and dignified wedding ceremony pic.twitter.com/xcxAWGtXaJ
— Patsy Lynch (@patsylynch) August 29, 2022
Jack Gleeson starred in the English sitcom Out of Her Mind in 2020 and in the movie 2021. Rebecca’s boyfriend. In a few months he will be acting in a thriller, In the land of saints and sinnersWith Liam Neeson.
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