Written by Fabiana Romanotti A
Sligo oyster ph. Anita Murphy# Cosoderifier. Oysters have been a tradition in Ireland for over 4000 years, which is why oysters compete with potatoes as the national symbol of Irish cuisine. Folk Oyster (Austria edulis) Has a great cultural value: its culture is centralized Wild Atlantic way And in other coastal communities. In fact, it is the only species that lays its eggs in the temperate waters of Ireland during the summer from May to August. This explains why the Irish oyster season starts in September In addition, they cause the gastronomic tradition of consuming only the months that contain the letter “r”. They have a strong and varied taste, depending on the sea in which they grow, thanks to seawater, fresh water from rivers, and minerals from uncontaminated landscape.
On the island of Ireland Oyster experiences abound: Galway International Oyster Festival Is the most popular. Described Sunday Times As “one of the 12 biggest shows in the world”, the oldest oyster festival.
Fresh oyster
For a more intimate and in-depth experience, there it is Shock-off oyster experience In County Clare. In fact, guests are invited to an oyster farm and packaging rooms to attend a training workshop on the biology of these mollusks, farming methods, and how the environment in which they grow affects their taste. Classification for national and international markets.
After learning how to open them, you can enjoy fresh oysters from the sea, and you can enjoy the ‘everything you can eat’ experience with spices and condiments and a glass of wine.
Published in the Food category
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