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HomeTop NewsUK takes first step in ordering abortion services in Northern Ireland -...

UK takes first step in ordering abortion services in Northern Ireland – Reuters

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Britain announced on Thursday that it was preparing restrictions on direct orders in the event of a loss of time for the UK government’s developed government to set abortion laws in Northern Ireland.

The British Parliament voted in 2019 to legalize abortion in Northern Ireland, at a time when it was one of the last regions in Western Europe, and last year ordered the developed provincial government of Belfast to provide liberal abortion services by the end of this month.

The government believes the Northern Ireland Health Department will miss the deadline by March, setting out restrictions that would allow London to order abortion services directly in the province if there is no immediate progress.

“I strongly believe that women and girls should have access to safe and high – quality abortion care in Northern Ireland. Ireland’s Brandon Lewis said in a statement.

The Secretary of State said the UK government was forming a small team with relevant health experience in the Northern Ireland office to work directly with the Northern Ireland Health Department on the issue.

The Ministry of Health will demand that abortion services be made available as soon as possible in accordance with the planned rules and that the requirement for obtaining a disability government permit before services be ordered be eliminated.

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