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HomeTop NewsTwo Canadian-Ultima Auras released in China after the release of Lady Huawei

Two Canadian-Ultima Auras released in China after the release of Lady Huawei

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(ANSA) – WASHINGTON, Sept. 24 – Two Canadian nationals detained in China, Michael Kovrig and Michael Spover, are set to be released from Beijing and return home. It comes hours after the U.S. reached an agreement to release Lady Huawei, also known as Medi Wanshou, who is returning to China.

“Two Canadians, Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor, who have been imprisoned in China since 2018, will be released and return to Canada,” Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced shortly after Huawei’s chief financial officer Meng Wanshu left Canada for China following the release of Vancouver.

“A few minutes ago, Michael Kovrig and Michael Spover left the Chinese airspace and headed home,” Trudeau told a news conference. “These two have gone through more than 1,000 days of terrible testing. They have shown daily determination and perseverance, which is an inspiration to all of us,” he added. “As this is an ongoing operation – he addressed the press – I can not share more details”.

Michael Djokovic, a former diplomat who created an unprecedented diplomatic crisis between Ottawa and Beijing, and businessman Michael Spover were arrested in December 2018 in China for espionage. They were detained in retaliation for the arrest of Meng Wanshou at the request of the United States. The man, who has been under house arrest in Canada for nearly three years, went to China a few hours ago after being released under an agreement with the United States. (On the handle).

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