After the controversy at the beginning of the month, NBA star Meyers Leonard has suspended his Twitch account after a week-long suspension. The Call of Duty: The Miami Heat Player was broadcasting an anti-Semitic offense to another user during a Warzone match. The case had repercussions on social media, including Meyers Leonard Away from the team, And beyond R 278 thousand fine. On his social networks, the player apologized and said he did not know what the crime was. Mayers, who is also an investor in the Face Clan, has severed ties with the organization and lost sponsorships for gaming peripherals. The Give Reminded of other controversial cases where Twitch was banned Emmanuel “New”.
Meyers Leonard, Pivot Do Miami Heat – Photo: Sarah Stear / Getty Images
+ Who is Hill Streamer Emmanuel “Newell” returning from Twitch’s ban?
+ Twitch: Streamer channel banned after community mobilization
On March 8, Myers Leonard broadcast his Warson match with world code champion Tyler “Teep”. During the stream, snipers provoked the NBA player during the match and insulted the other player in an anti-Semitic “hand” offense. Moments later, the player turned off the stream and the case echoed on Twitter, showing the exact moment Meyers used the offense. He was banned from Twitch for a week and removed from the Miami Heat team. The NBA has also launched an internal investigation into the case.
The offensive word “cake” is a derogatory term for Jews. It has been used by white supremacists since the 1880s.
Other controversial cases and questions about criteria
Recently, Twitch was among other controversies, most recently the Brazilian streamer Emmanuel “Newell”, Who is unemployed and who uses the platform as a job. He was banned after his 4-year-old son appeared live without his father. The case gained strength on social networks and was supported by well-known names in the field of e-sports such as veto “KNG” and Louis’ “Peacemaker”.
Emmanuel “Newell” broadcasts live to help with household expenses – Photo: Personal Archive
The result also hit the international media as a result of INTZ Angels player Thaina “Taihu” catching the attention of Jake Lucky, host of the YouTube Sports Talk Channel. Newell was backed by the content creators’ black team player and Wakanda Streamers Your channel is not banned.
Twitch Valerant streamer Emmanuel Gila was indefinitely banned after his 4-year-old son showed up on a shirtless stream and engaged in a few minutes of chatting after Emmanuel cleaned up a mess his son had caused.
The situation of INTZ Day with daughter is almost the same.
Please note Taihu went through a similar situation at the end of last year: Player suspended from platform for more than two months after daughter appeared live without company After an appeal from the community, she returned her account, however, the platform did not comment on it for any reason. These cases prompted the community to question and charge again about the criteria adopted to enforce the ban.
The streaming platform knows that it does not tolerate the misuse of words with offensive meanings. In early 2020, Flavio “Jucks” suspended from platform for a week after talking about racist crime – Then Explained what had happened In conversation Give.
Juices – Photo: Revelation / Pine Gaming
Turner “Tube”, one of the world’s largest content creators, used the same racist offense in a broadcast, but did not punish the player for deleting the video from his channel. It should be noted that affecting the platform suspension only interferes with the guidelines of the community if it is modeled as hate behavior.
The platform recently removed the PogChamp emote Mem’s face imitated comments after Ryan “Gutex” in support of the demonstrations that took place during the United States Capital occupation earlier this year.
Musicaholic. Twitter guru. Total bacon fanatic. Zombie ninja. Freelance student. Coffee fan. Gamer.