LONDON (AP) – The British Ports Association (BPA) has criticized Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s plans to build a tunnel in the Northern Province of Ireland.
A fixed connection is an overcrowded project, especially since other modes of transport will have very little money with “huge financial gains,” said BPA boss Richard Ballantine. If the government distributes money to other transport providers, it will get more sustainable value added. “There are many maritime connections between the UK and Ireland that offer jobs and opportunities elsewhere.”
In addition, Ballantine said the project is harmful to the environment. “The connection will significantly increase greenhouse gas emissions if traffic is diverted from shipping to road, which is a carbon-efficient mode of transportation.”
The Scottish local government has also criticized the plan, which is currently being examined by Johnson’s government. Transport Minister Michael Mathewson said transport links across the Irish Sea were not a priority. This is just a “vanity project” by Johnson. The Prime Minister wanted to weaken the powers of local governments. The Scottish Government seeks secession from Great Britain. Northern Ireland’s Deputy Prime Minister Michelle O’Neill has spoken out against Sinn Fെയ്in’s support for the reunification of EU state Ireland.
Johnson repeatedly spoke in favor of a lasting relationship between Great Britain and Northern Ireland. A tunnel between Scotland and Northern Ireland is estimated to cost $ 20 billion ($ 23.36 billion), and a bridge is unrealistic due to the depth of the sea and strong winds in the Irish Sea. The Minister of Transport defended the Grant Shops project. It is important to connect all parts of the UK as closely as possible, he told the BBC.
Johnson wants to use this relationship to strengthen British unity, as there have been delivery problems between Great Britain and Northern Ireland as a result of Brexit. BPA boss Balentine said a tunnel would not change trade difficulties. Customs restrictions and other restrictions still exist.
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