The Registry and the National Electoral Council (CNE) made the announcement on Tuesday, May 24th.
After discussions between the two organizations, it was decided to withdraw from the contract due to time pressure to select the institution.
Was one of the postulates
It should be noted, however, that CNE was the same National Electoral Council that claimed the authorship of the election on April 1st. This Tuesday it was ruled out that the lack of audit would affect the transparency of the election.
“Political parties have so far registered less than 15,000 witnesses, and they will have to register more than 6,000 from now until Saturday,” he said. We urge political parties to register their election witnesses as soon as possible“, Was a call from CNE Magistrate Luis Guillermo Perez.
Regarding the Indra software, the magistrate said that the advance count gives all the guarantees of being legal and transparent.
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