WhatsApp continues to experiment with many new features and technologies that make the app always better, so it is hoped that some new features and updates will be introduced in the near future that will give users new capabilities that will greatly save them. The application has recently shown the most important features that extend the time and effort, as well as the role of admin groups in group management.
The most important new additions to WhatsApp
- Grant more permissions to group admins in group chats.
- Users can authenticate the application on their computers as a security measure to maintain privacy and security.
- This can be done by activating the account by selecting Select Settings and selecting the Security option.
- You must also activate the verification with the required password or password.
Interact with WhatsApp messages
Users are also given the feature to interact with messages from friends like Facebook and Instagram, where they can click on the message to interact with them, then drag and drop to select the appropriate symbol or emoji, and there are many more stunning and distinctive expressions. (Thumbs – Romantic Heart Intervention – Tearful Laughter) Shock – Tears – Application – Five Up)
Download method WhatsApp Beta
After learning about the latest additions and updates in WhatsApp, many users are in a hurry to download it on their smartphones, so today we will show you the right way to download the beta version of WhatsApp as follows:
- First, go to the Google Play Store on the phone.
- Typing in a WhatsApp search.
- Then select “Become a Beta Tester”.
- Select the “I have” option.
- Then click on the word “Join”.
- Finally you should wait a bit for the beta update.
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