Designed by the government New school time For a primary school with weight loss of artistic education, knowledge of nature, social and cultural environment and mathematics. Spanish language and literature are growing, but in a proportion it is symbolic.
The document, which had access to EL PAÍS, was sent to the autonomous authorities this Thursday for review along with the final version of the draft order governing this educational stage in which children between the ages of six and 12 are participating. Of age .. from the text as it happened With control of Infantile, Replaced some words and revised some paragraphs, which created criticism among the parties and conservative sectors in the educational community. But the essence remains, the teaching of mathematics will continue to include a “gender perspective” in an attempt to reduce a large gender gap. The girls point to the matter Although their academic results are not bad compared to their classmates.
The interpretation of the schedule is complicated because it is not possible to make a single possible comparison with the current schedule, which is derived from the previous LOE law, which was approved by the PP in 2013, but the previous LOE, which was put forward by another socialist government in 2006. A complete schedule was not approved by PP. This retained control of the PSOE, but, at the same time, allowed the autonomous community to set the hours on so-called specific topics (a new section opposing the trunk). This means that some autonomous institutions, such as Aragon, for example, reduce the religion schedule (which Loms included as a separate subject) to 45 minutes per session per week.
The Socialists, on the other hand, set a minimum schedule for all primary school subjects in the development of the LOE, and are now redeveloping the new education law, the Lomlo. But comparisons with the LOE could not be made automatically, as the government had to determine 55% of the official language in the autonomous regions and 65% of the regions without it. Now the Ministry of Education will set 50% and 60%, respectively, because in the new law, the Ministry has resigned to fix 5% of the schedule with the idea that educational institutions can define a small part of the schedule in perspective. The reality of its students.
Given these precautions, the final full schedule set by the government for LOE development will now be compared with that proposed by the Ministry. About That is, if the ministry had limited itself to shifting percentages from the LOE schedule (of which 315 were there) to Lomlo, instead of the appropriate 300 hours, it would be 360.
When the same activities are applied, knowledge of the natural, social, and cultural environment is successful throughout the 15-hour phase (the LOE had 490, which corresponds to a general reduction of 465 to 480). Mathematics takes 10 hours longer than it relates (LOE had 560 hours, which corresponds to 535, and it has 545). And five more than playing Spanish and literature (which would take 840 hours), less than an hour in an academic year.
The rest of the areas
The other three areas are foreign language, physical education, and education in values (the position of the invisible subject of education for citizenship compared to the LOE schedule). That is, by reducing the new distribution between the government, the autonomous and the centers proportionally to the estimated 5%. Weight loss will be followed by fatigue and constant tiredness. Instead of the 300 hours associated with him, he loses 210. He loses 90, having acquired artistic education, knowledge of the environment, mathematics and language. In the practice of the centers, religion had already lost its place as part of the autonomy thereafter The value of the rupee Let them adjust the schedule. This is the situation of a good portion of those ruled by the Socialists, who teach only one class a week, which is the minimum amount currently set by the government (instead of the one and a half hours established by the LOE). Even in the suite and mellila that directly depend on the cabinet, the government decided during the PP Minimum session time 45 minutes, The bishops criticized a decision. In other autonomous regions, religion is provided every 90 weeks.
Until next year, there will not be a mirror topic to pick up for those who do not choose this topic. These will receive educational attention in the form of an overview of cross-curricular factors. This subject will stop counting for the average grade of record in secondary and high school, i.e. access to a career or other type of degree or apply for a scholarship.
The established schedule of education will be 100% completed by the autonomous communities and educational centers and will start to be applied next year.
Part of the schedule set by the government (which represents 50% of the autonomous regions as an official official language and 60% without it):
Regions | Hours | Estimate week by week |
Knowledge of the natural, social and cultural environment | 480 | 2,3 |
Artistic education | 360 | 1,7 |
physical education | 300 | 1,4 |
Education in civic values | 50 | 1.4 (given in one course only) |
Spanish language and literature | 840 | 4 |
Foreign language | 365 | 1,7 |
Mathematics | 545 | 2,8 |
Religion | 210 | 1 |
Total | 3.150 | 15 |
The ministry withdrew some of the wording of the draft order regulating primary education, known as the curriculum, following criticism that it had received some formulations this summer. In the previous edition of the document, the syllabus on the subject of civic values, for example, stated: “Ethics as a guide to our actions. Meaning ‘good’ and ‘bad’. Criteria, Qualities, and Moral Emotions. “Now it reads:” Ethics as a guide to our actions. Discussion of valuable values. What are the norms, virtues, and moral feelings ”.
The changes respond to the will of those responsible for the ministry to abandon issues that consider more forms than material, in an attempt to pacify the highly tumultuous educational debate since the enactment of the Education Act. After his appointment as minister in July, Pilar Allegria met with representatives of the education community in all directions, replacing Isabel Selak. The search for understanding led some of his interlocutors to take action. This is the case with the Episcopal Conference. This week the bishops introduced a new design of their religious subject, i.e., leaving the curriculum and legislation of the subject in the hands of the church. And The result is more similar To the approaches and language used by the Ministry to regulate the rest of the Episcopal Conference itself, which is included in the previous curriculum of religion, which was approved after the enactment of the previous Education Act as described by PP.
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