WhatsApp users are getting new updates .This time WhatsApp users are getting multi device updates .That is, WhatsApp can now be used on up to four devices simultaneously .It’s connected to other devices using our WhatsApp QR codes.
The WhatsApp we used to need to connect to the internet used to need internet .But now we do not need internet .After connecting, we can turn off the internet in the main WhatsApp and use it on other devices .Let’s see how to scan the QR code.
1. First open the WhatsApp and go to the Settings option
2. After that you can see the options of our WhatsApp QR code on the right hand side
3. That is, next to the part where we see our name
4.Click on our QR code
5. When clicked there are two options
6. The first option is my code and the second option is scan code
7. In this way you can use the multi device system
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