Sandra Oh is back – awesome
How to clean, which eyeshadow, mushrooms as a handbag, the biggest annoyance of the week. Our list of active table talk.
Finally Sandra Oh again
After “Grace Anatomy”, the actress kicked us out on “Killing Eve”. Now a new hit: the new Netflix series “Chair”. Sandra O, as Professor Ji-Yun Kim in a corrupt university environment. Funny, funny, excellent. Take a look at everything at once. There are currently six episodes.
Trouble is gone, happiness there
Pastel colors should have a calming effect. That’s right when it comes to adjustment. Here are the crate boxes from Hay.
Photo: Hey
Stackable, foldable and reusable in the manufacturer’s opinion.
Photo: Hey
Is cleaning annoying? Make it a part of interior design. Once in the corner, once in the circle: Boxes and baskets are the order keepers of this time. For example Chistley (for example, available here) in pastel shades from Crate and Danish brand Hay Globus 8.90 Fr. From). Or a basket of hadith woven from sisal in Kenya, a string of fibers. Can be found in the Basler range Beautiful Mary Boutique About 80 Fr.
Wannabe twitter trailblazer. Troublemaker. Freelance beer evangelist. Amateur pop culture nerd.