Ready for a rare treat this weekend? Halloween sky will shine with a full moon – the second and first full moon to appear in October 2020 Full Halloween Moon To shine in all US time zones in 76 years.
The difference from the second full moon of the same calendar month makes it the “blue moon”, which usually plays in white and yellow.
The last time all U.S. time zones were treated to a full moon was in 1944 The five demons of the peasantry. Most recently, a full moon lit up the sky on Halloween night in 2001, but only in the central and Pacific time zones.
How rare is a blue moon on Halloween?
Replacing a blue moon on Halloween is as rare as any full moon on Halloween. Says NASA astronaut Tony Rice The Halloween full moon should be a blue moonThis is because the lunar cycles are about 29.5 days and Halloween is always on October 31st.
So, if there is a full moon on October 31st, it should be the second full moon of the month – it makes a blue moon.
Astronomers say this happens once every 19 years, but sometimes the lunar phase cycle brings a full moon on November 1 instead of October 31. When that happens, a Halloween full moon can only be seen once every 38 years.
Anyway, this is a rare treat and it provides a backdrop for this fun and scary holiday season.
A rare full moon will add a backdrop to Halloween 2020 in all time zones in the United States.Pixby
By the way, on Saturday, October 31st at 10:49 am Eastern time the Moon will officially officially be in its full phase. Completely filled As it rises in the New York City area at 6:13 pm in the east-northeast sky.
As it is now National Weather Service Partly cloudy skies over Big App and partly cloudy skies over northern and central New Jersey on Saturday night. It’s almost like the obvious – a beautiful little treat from Mother Nature.
Down South Jersey, The forecast currently calls for mostly clear skies on Saturday night, but local astronomers can still see a glimpse of the Halloween moon.
The next Halloween full moon after October 31, 2020, will appear in 2039, 2058, 2077 and 2096, according to Farmers’ Almanac. That means the Halloween full moon will occur five times in a row in a 19-year cycle.
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