This week we have collected the most interesting and most read technical and scientific topics in one article.

Private messages from Bill Gates and Elon Musk have been leaked

Bill Gates approached Elon Musk for a charity, but the Tesla leader quickly cut it short.

This new turbine produces as much energy as it can with 12 solar cells

Canadian startup Edenergy says countries should install water turbines because they provide the energy they need 24 hours a day.

U.S. and Japanese researchers have shown that most life on Earth is of extraterrestrial origin

Jaxa and NASA have discovered molecules in meteorites known to be the basic building blocks of life.

Open this website: You can always see what Hubble is up to

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Although NASA has published some interesting images from the Hubble Space Telescope, it is not the only aging device used by the company.

Someone made the biggest mistake at Google

Twelve years after an Apple engineer abandoned the prototype of the iPhone 4, someone at Google made the same mistake.

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