Tavol Kurun Festival – Conference in Breton – Online, January 27, 2021 – January 27, 2021, Bannalek.

Tavol Kurun Festival – Conference in Breton – Online
Bannalek Finister Bannalek

“A Navonege Where I Bro Bro Ivershon”
“The Great Famine in Ireland Between 1845 and 1852”

Regin Gillamot presented and illustrated a conference in Breton on the subject of the Great Famine that devastated Ireland in the mid – nineteenth century. Then a session [reportée !] Irish music in the hall hall cafe.
The conference will be broadcast live and translated into French on Zoom Media, followed by a session of Thanksgiving theme songs for singer Bridget Chlorig and her Irish friends.

Zoom link to online conference: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85253292901?pwd=UWdGOTcvT2dJSUNTb29xV1grZ0JlQT09

tiarvro.brokemperle@gmail.com +33 6 73 88 19 48 http://www.tiarvro-brokemperle.bzh/

“A Navonege Where I Bro Bro Ivershon”
“The Great Famine in Ireland Between 1845 and 1852”

Regin Gillamot presented and illustrated a conference in Breton on the subject of the Great Famine that devastated Ireland in the mid – nineteenth century. Then a session [reportée !] Irish music in the hall hall cafe.
The conference will be broadcast live and translated into French on Zoom Media, followed by a session of Thanksgiving theme songs for singer Bridget Chlorig and her Irish friends.

Zoom link to online conference: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85253292901?pwd=UWdGOTcvT2dJSUNTb29xV1grZ0JlQT09