The image is symbolic.
An asteroid is coming back to Earth. Its size is the same as the Eiffel Tower. This giant asteroid is coming directly to Earth. However, so far there is no reason to panic about this asteroid, NASA said. This running asteroid will do no harm to mankind. This giant asteroid is known as T4660 Nereus. The asteroid is included in the PHA, the US space agency’s NASA hazardous asteroid. According to NASA scientists, the asteroid will run closest to Earth on December 11. This asteroid is very oval in shape. However, the size of a football field is about three times that. At about 330 meters long, the asteroid is 90 percent larger than any asteroid ever seen.
However, this asteroid will not scare the Earth. T4660 Nereus will do no harm to mankind. Instead, the asteroid will run 3.9 million kilometers from Earth. It is known that this asteroid will take 64 days to orbit the Sun. According to NASA scientists, the asteroid will move at a safe distance from Earth. They also said that the asteroid is unlikely to come close to Earth until March 2, 2031. On the other hand, the T4660 is known as the Nereus. No new asteroids. In 1982, the American astronaut Eleanor F. The asteroid was discovered by Helen. The asteroid was later added to the Apollo Group of Asteroids. Since this asteroid orbits the Sun, it is said to be infamous for orbiting the Earth.
Like other Apollo asteroids, Nerius regularly orbits close to Earth. The asteroid rotates twice as fast as Earth. NASA researchers had previously planned to observe the asteroid Nerius. But for various reasons the project did not succeed. The U.S. space agency plans to launch a near-Earth asteroid Rendezvous-Shoemaker (Near Shoemaker) mission to monitor the asteroid. Japan plans to send its robotic spacecraft Hayabusa back to the asteroid Nerius.
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