Theological Conference “Movements and New Communities. Identity in the Synodal Journey of the Church ”, organized by the Sophia University Institute in association with the Folklore Movement. Cardinal Farrell: “Apostolic activities and charitable services adapt to new challenges”
Alessandro de Busolo – Vatican City
The movements and new communities involved in the church’s synodal journey “are like pieces of mosaic, each taken beautifully, but together form an image.” We are already “a star in the world, the heart of God”, but “we are called to compose the constellations that guide and illuminate the path of mankind.” Thus, on May 8 this year, on May 8 this year, quoting the message of Pope Francis for the last World Day of Prayer for Vocationals, the President of the Focal Movement, Margaret KaramHe wanted to express first the challenges awaiting these realities of the Church, calling them “beyond all self-reference” and walking in unity not only within our own realities, but with all “as brothers.”
After the 2018 conference on the charisma of the movements
He did so by inaugurating the works of the Pontifical Lateran University and the Sophia University Institute of Lopiano’s Theological Conference on “Movements in the Synodal Journey of the Church, New Communities and Identity” organized in the Great Hall of the Pope’s University. , Expected over time but postponed due to epidemic, 2018 Study Day on “Charisma and Institution in Church Movements and Communities”. On that occasion, the innovations bearing the realities of the new church and the partially unpublished supplementary questions that go beyond the existing canonical framework were analyzed. “Still – Karam stressed – there was a need for more study, including theology.”
Farrell: Four challenges for the future
In his introductory report, The Cardinal Kevin Joseph Farrell, Representing the Focal Movement, the Emmanuel Community and the Shalom Community Conference, looks to the future and challenges awaiting third-century movements and new communities. It was promoted by Fazenda de Esperança and Nuovi Orizzonti, as well as from many other realities. He referred to four, from the challenge of dynamic and creative loyalty to charisma to unity, from synodality to missionary spirit. Positive loyalty to the charisma must be the “source” of the encounter with Christ, the new forms of prayer, the methods of proclamation, the social and cultural activities of public life, charity and service, as well as civic commitment and political activity. Communicated in a new way to members of the new generation, but in its original form, not “its derivations or partial applications”. A charisma that must adapt to the different cultures encountered in the expansion and development of the movement, as Pope Francis underlined in March 2015 in Communion and Liberation, “Loyalty to charisma does not mean ‘frightening it’.
From dynamic loyalty to charisma to the challenge of unity
The challenge of unity is to overcome the contradictions between “personalities” and “currents” and to remain in a single “spiritual family”, as well as to “externally” seek to maintain “fellowship with particular churches and their pastors”. . Second, however, in the opinion of Cardinal Farrell, movements and new communities “are called upon to better understand the peculiarities of charisma” and to “know how to welcome and appreciate them as valuable instruments of ordinary pastoral care.”
Challenges of Synodality and Missionary Spirit
Synodality in movements, which is the third challenge, seeks to increase the contribution of all members, so it is not just a few “enlightened” groups looking to the future of charisma. It also points to the “subtle problem of the formation of those who can play a leading role in the activities of the apostolate and the administration of the movements.” Finally, he wants unity and cooperation between different “living conditions” that must go hand in hand. Celibate and married, commoners, priests or religious people as well as faithful and bishops. The fourth challenge is to respond to the nature of the missionary movements “internally.” “Their members, without attending special ‘schools’ or ‘courses’ – the Irish cardinal recalled – were soon brave of the gospel. This is a treasure to be preserved!”.
A new formation and adaptation of the Apostle and Charity
Thus, the prefect’s preaching of the Almighty called on members of all movements and new communities to “understand the individual, the community, and what the Holy Spirit is directing to the Church” in each of the different realities. Because charisma cannot be reduced to an idea that contradicts reality. In addition, he called on the movements to “adapt to the formation that is being offered to their members in the face of these new challenges and to the apostolic work and charitable services that you are all doing with admirable dedication.”
Speeches by cardinals, laymen, theologians, and economists
The conference also aimed to inspire theological study of movements and new societies to know and better understand the profound personalities of the Church, humanity, encounters in service and fellowship. Cardinal Mark Oullet, Prefect of the Congregation for Bishops and President of the Pontifical Commission for Latin America; Linda Gizoni, Undersecretary of the Decaster for the Almighty and Family and Life; Monsignor Piero Coda, Secretary-General of the International Theological Commission and Professor of Trinitarian Oncology at the Sofia University Institute; Elena de Bernardo, Faculty of Canon Law, Institute Utreasque Louris, Pontifical Lateran University; Mary Healy, Sacred Heart Major Seminary of Detroit, USA; Luigino Bruni is a full-time professor of political economics and coordinator of the Doctorate in Science of Civil Economics at the University of Lumsa in Rome.
Representatives of the movements that promoted the event
In addition to Margaret Karam, Chiara Amiran, Founder and President of Nouveau Orisondi, the event promoted movements and new communities; Michael-Bernard de Vrigille, General Moderator of the Emmanuel Community; Moysés Louro de Azevedo Filho, Founder and General Moderator of the Shalom Catholic Community; Erosi da Silva Light was one of the founders of Fasinda da Esperanca.
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