The Swiss Police for the Guardian Dance Challenge is not the video we expected on Saturday, January.
Police officers in Switzerland posted a dance video.
In the video, several police officers from the Federal Police can be seen dancing.
Some of the recordings feature the public joining her.
The video was posted on Twitter by a Twitter user called “ItsBeats” and asked a Garda Savokana to continue the Swiss efforts.
Police officers in Switzerland fedpolCH She decided to do something for her people during these difficult times. Great! Embed a tweet? Will you take up the challenge if enough people retweet it? #Guarda # Ireland # Police #Jerusalem
Frankie Bates – KISSFM (Its Beats) January 15, 2021
The tweet reads: “The police in Fedepolch, Switzerland decided to do something special for their people during these difficult times. This is amazing! Gardenofo? Will you accept the challenge if enough people retweet it? “
Frankie won More and more videos showing the police dancing have finally been released, which is weird as it seems.
Police in France took action.
3.2.1 French Police in GO#FrankieBeatsPoliceDance
Frankie Bates – KISSFM (Its Beats) January 16, 2021
Johannesburg …
Johannesburg Police bei 3,2,1 GO#FrankieBeatsPoliceDance
Frankie Bates – KISSFM (Its Beats) January 16, 2021
Swiss federal police responded to the video series by saying they could not wait to see Garda’s efforts.
We look forward to the performance Embed a tweet ! Although a product for Embed a tweet This may not be the first # AccuracyAnd #Discipline a # the best.
– fedpolCH January 15, 2021
The Justice Department intervened and asked the police to take up the challenge and make Ireland proud …
Embed a tweet You can do it.
And FIG # Ireland Arrogance
– Ministry of Justice Dept (DeptJusticeIRL) January 15, 2021
Eventually, a Garda Savokana intervened and accepted the challenge.
She said she accepted the challenge and now we hope they will make a video in response.
We took up the challenge # Jerusalem Challenge
– Lake Garda Information (Gardenofo) January 15, 2021
We think this is enough internet for a day.
Wannabe twitter trailblazer. Troublemaker. Freelance beer evangelist. Amateur pop culture nerd.