On Sunday evening, Celtic couple Ailsa Craig performed at Port Villiers. Return to pictures and more details using the information chalone.
It derives its name from the English version of the Scottish Gaelic language Rock cancer That means “Elizabeth Rock», Ailsa Craig is a small island located in the Firth of Clyde, an arm of the Atlantic Ocean in the strait that separates Scotland from Ireland..
From the end of the 1970s and the mechanization of the lighthouse in the 1990s to the exploitation of granite that had been mined and sent for a time to the polished mainland designed for the construction of curling stones, this Merlin was uninhabited, changing Actually It is home to puffins, seabirds, and many northern gannets that choose the island as their nest.
Ailsa Craig is also the name of the Chalonnaise Celtic Music Duo Trained Isabel And Jeff, Spent nine years in Scotland.
From Green Ireland to the coasts of Brittany through the highlands of Scotland, Ilsa Craig offers a musical journey through all the Celtic countries, To name a few from a collection of big names like Tri Yan, The Chieftains, or Alan Steve.
As part of the signing of the ginjets, Ilesa Craig gave a concert on Saturday, July 3 at 8:30 pm in Port Villiers.
Their rhythmic and active music and their songs delighted a large audience., Curious and knowledgeable.
This Monday, July 5th at 8:30 pm, this is Cha Turn (World Music) To give a concert in Port Villiers.
Kareem Bokline-Venigas Al Garnati

Tv fanatic. Amateur food maven. Devoted webaholic. Travel lover. Entrepreneur. Evil writer. Beer guru.