La Libre learned on Tuesday evening that management had summoned all Belgian staff based at Brussels Airport for “important” news about the airline’s future in Zaventem. Michael O’Leary, the head of the Irish airline, will also be in Brussels, where he will hold a press conference.
Last Thursday, Mr O’Leary threatened to close his second Belgian base, complaining in particular about a new federal tax on passengers and a rise in airport prices.
“Saventum airport is one of those bases that we are looking at very closely. I cannot guarantee that we will not close it this winter.”Michael O’Leary said. Before adding: “We are thinking of withdrawing flights from Charleroi. Our flights will go where there is growth and where our low-cost model facilitates. If we have a better deal with another airport, we will move”.
The Irish company still has two aircraft at Brussels Airport and fifteen at Charleroi. A few days ago. Pilots have received their timetables for this winter season, indicating that Ryanair will remain in Saventum. But the summons received this Tuesday raises the hopes of the employees.
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