Ryanair’s chief executive has criticized the National Public Health Emergency Team for being wrong in care homes, meat factories and face masks – both in summer and on international trips.
Eddie Wilson told the Oriyachas Transport Committee today that the aviation sector continues to be strangled.
He said the green list was a disaster and urged the government to implement the EU traffic light system immediately.
He added that people in Germany, France, Sweden, Belgium and Spain could travel from anywhere in the European Union.
He told the committee that there was no information to indicate that air travel was unsafe.
Since appearing before the committee on October 7, he found that it was unusual for Transport Minister Eamon Ryano not to be in contact with Minister of Internationals, Road Transport and Logistics Hildegard Nottano Ryano.
He said the closure of airline bases in Cork and Shannon could have been reduced. The question now is whether they will reopen.
Donald Moriarty, Er Lingus Chief Corporate Affairs Officer and Interim Chief Executive, also attended the meeting.
Moriarty said it was clear from the evidence that international travel was not a vector of Kovid-19.
He said pre-departure tests required for passengers should be fast and affordable, adding that only rapid antigen testing could help make a meaningful increase in safe international travel.
The Air Lingus executive said it was clear that many airports in Europe were offering antigen tests and that they were popular as a solution to facilitate international travel.
Eddie Wilson said the government’s official government policy since March has been to tell its citizens not to fly.
He said the government had placed an anchor around the airlines’ necks and as a result closed bases in Ryan Cork and Shannon for the winter.
Ryan’s CEO said.
Donal Moriarty said the toxins associated with the trip need to be removed. He said the narrative was mainly handed down by government policy and needed to be changed.
Sinn Fന്റെin’s Darren O’Rourke has challenged him after an Erlingus executive report quoted him as saying that the chances of landing on a Kovid – 19 plane were one in 27 million.
The same report says there is no way to establish an accurate count of flight-related cases, Deputy O’Rourke said.
He said one in 27 million is unbelievable and not based on phonology. He acknowledged that the role of the aviation sector in the spread of the virus needed to be acknowledged.
The ‘Traffic Light’ system, which coordinates international Kovid-19 travel restrictions across the continent, will be here from November 8.
But Ryaner and Aer Lingus said the new system would not be a panic.
Eddie Wilson said the new system exists but there is a reasonable chance that Cork and Shannon will not reopen because the exact details of the project are still unknown.
Donald Moriarty said it was Airlingas’ plan to bring Shannon back to Heathrow in December but that it would not go ahead now.
He said he expects the route to start now with Shannon-Boston and that Shannon-JFK will resume in April, but that depends on significantly easing the restrictions.
Shannon Airport CEO said the Ryanair announcement was really disappointing.
Mary Considine said it was disappointing for airport staff who worked so hard to stay active during the outbreak.
She said there is now real concern among businesses about the future of the airport.
Speaking before the Oriyachas Transport Committee, she said the news had disappointed their loyal customers.
It shows how serious the situation is and how vulnerable the aviation sector is.
It also shows the need for immediate financial assistance, she said.
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