Mary Jequel
The 51st edition of the Interceltic Festival of Lorient has begun. One thing is for sure: whether in film or pop culture, Celtic music has crossed the borders of Brittany or Ireland in recent years. Europe 1 helps you rediscover all of this well-known Celtic music.
The 51ᵉ edition of the InterCeltic Festival of Lorient has just begun, an opportunity to see Celtic music cross Breton and Irish borders, thanks in particular to pop culture. In film, Celtic music is used extensively. A cold love affair with Irish music begins in the third-class compartment of a famous ocean liner: in this well-known scene from the movie Jack and Rose Titanic Get down to the beat of the music in a crazy dance.
Movies, pop culture, rap…
Let’s live in Ireland, precisely in the city of Galway with the English singer Ed Sheeran. the dance galway girl, he describes his flirtation with a Celtic violinist. On Scotland’s side, Mel Gibson fights in the film to the sound of bagpipes. brave Heart.
Other legendary bagpipes: How not to mention The tribe of Dana, the summer hit of 1998 and the Manau Group’s Celtic rap that sold over a million and a half copies, will probably be stuck in your head all day. The Interceltic Festival continues in Lorient until next Sunday.
Wannabe twitter trailblazer. Troublemaker. Freelance beer evangelist. Amateur pop culture nerd.