Pastor Silas Malafaya, leader of Vitoria M. Cristo Assembly of God and a political ally of the President Jair Bolsonaro (PL), denied in the video that supporters were sent to the front of the army installations, where they were demonstrating Since the victory of the president-elect, coup demonstrations Luis Inacio Lula da Silva (PT).
“I challenge anyone to prove that I sent anyone to the door of the barracks. I never sent anyone to the doors of the barracks. In a video from 11/17, ‘Who is the culprit? Alexander de Moraes or the people?’ “The video, on the contrary, I say the demonstrations are wrong. They should not be at the doors of the barracks, they should be in front of the National Congress,” Malafaya said, calling the fact “an absurdity of absurdities”.
“I’m not a hypocrite. I was at all the demonstrations I told people to attend: September 7 last year and this year,” he added.
On Friday (25), actor and comedian Gregorio Duvivier, a supporter of Lula, reposted the alleged images of Malafaya and a message allegedly sent by the evangelist.People camping at army headquarters enjoy a luxury resort with their wives“. Next, the comedian, who is part of the cast of “Porta dos Fundos”, published a new picture of Malafaya and joked: “What is the name of this barrack that Malafaya sits in front of? [?]“.
The messages angered Malafaya, who called Duvivier “a coward and a hypocrite.”
“Duvivier, you are on the left of caviare: you have a [classe] Business, first-class flights, five-star hotels, but people want to live under socialism. Do you like executive? [companhia aérea] Tap, right?”, closing the video with Malafaya saying: “I’m free. I do what I want with my money.”
After Lula’s defeat, on October 30, Bolsonaro’s supporters launched coup demonstrations. Disrespecting the election results and calling for military intervention to prevent the president-elect from taking office.
As part of the subversive demonstrations, Roads were blocked and camps set up in front of armed forces establishmentsin different parts of the country.
Minister of STF (Federal Supreme Court) Alexander de Moraes already clarified in a decision Calling for a coup could be considered a crime that violently subverts the democratic rule of law, whose sentence ranges from four to eight years in prison. The magistrate decided Bank accounts of 43 individuals and companies suspected of funding these activities were blocked.
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