Trial of a new multi-disciplinary approach to the treatment of Parkinson’s disease at Incan. At the heart of the SI-ROBOTICS project is a special robot that accompanies people with neurodegenerative diseases in Irish dance, improving their physical and cognitive status. The system, in addition to being a robotic device, uses an artificial intelligence platform and sensors to detect vital and scientific parameters. The collaboration involves 17 public-private partners, including the Inrca Research and Treatment Institute in Angona, where the experiment is being conducted. The project, funded by Muir, offers an innovative rehabilitation path based on Irish dance, in which the patient learns and modifies complex movements to the rhythm of music, which has a positive effect on motor symptoms. Irish dance is effective in improving mind-body coordination and can be practiced at all ages, helping the body to adjust properly and maintain physical fitness. The first tests on volunteer patients were successfully performed at the IRCA in Angona: “Our patients enjoyed the exercises and the system allowed us to work on improving their movements,” says Dr. Giovanni Ricardi, director of Arc Rehabilitation Medicine.
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