The cookies and similar technologies we use in MediaPart are different and allow us to pursue different goals.
The site and mobile app need something to work with (you can not override them). Others are optional, but can help ease your experience as a reader and in a way that supports the mediapart. You can reject or accept them according to their intentions.
Do you agree that MediaPart uses cookies or similar technologies for the following purposes?
You can select each category by activating or deactivating the switch button.
Required for operation
Site or application
Subscribers connection, anonymous audience measurement, sending push notifications, malfunction monitoring, highlighting of our services: These tools are needed to monitor the performance of our services and their proper functioning.
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Here are the different cookies and similar technologies included in this category:
- Authentication cookies : Subscriber connection.
- On the Internet : Anonymized audience size
- Display of multimedia editorial content : Videos (YouTube, Dailymotion, Vimeo, INA), Social Networks (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest), Documents (Scribd, Document Cloud, Slideshare), Sounds (SoundCloud, Spotify, Deezer), Maps (Google Maps, Mapbox, Cartodib, Umap), Infographics (Highcharts, GitHub, Datawrapper, Florish, Infogram, Thinglink, jQuery, Google Fonts, Bootstrap), Live Blogs (24 Live Blog, CoverLivelive, Club),
- Typeform : Optional Questionnaire for Gathering Readers’ Comments on Our Digital Products
- Datadog (website only) : Technical indicators and load balancing.
- Intelligent (website only) : Communication with subscribers, service highlights, offers and benefits.
- Batch (in application only) : Sends push notifications and in-app messages.
- Firebase cloud messaging (in app only) : Push notifications are required to work on Android.
- Microsoft Application Center (in-app only) : System for updating and monitoring application failures.
Tv fanatic. Amateur food maven. Devoted webaholic. Travel lover. Entrepreneur. Evil writer. Beer guru.