Archaeologists have unearthed a large number of Neolithic and Bronze Age antiquities during a survey of the site of a road tunnel in England.
“We have found a lot of evidence about people who have lived in this place for thousands of years and their lives.” Archaeologist Consulting Matt Leverus said for the construction of the tunnel.
The tomb buried the woman.
Among the finds, Livers and colleagues specifically noted two Bronze Age tombs, Stone Age ceramics, and a C-shaped structure that could have been the workplace of contemporary workers. Ancient.
One of the two tombs is about 4,000 years old. The woman, about 20-30 years old, was buried in a pit with a pot, a brass rod and a cylindrical object made of unusual shale.
“We’ll take a closer look to find out what it is, but think it’s the tip of a tree club or maze.” Mr. Lever spoke of a cylindrical object.
The second grave is the last resting place of a newborn baby. The baby was buried with a small cup.
The C-shaped structure consisted of streams containing baked flint. The team speculates that the site could have been used as an industrial site for materials such as metal, leather and pottery.
“It’s hard to say what it is, but since an almost complete copper pot has been found, we know how old it is.” Mr. Leverus added.
Further mining will begin later this year. Archaeologists hope to make new discoveries before the tunnel is officially built in 2023.
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