The Irigulators, the new original series Netflix Intended for young people, it arrives on the platform this Friday. Sherlock Holmes’ universe is completely revisited with a good dose of supernatural.
In nineteenth-century London, Dr. Watson and his accomplice Sherlock Holmes try to solve a series of misdemeanors. As darkness fell in the city, the power possessed by a member of these catechists would be of great help.
Supernatural investigation
Sherlock Holmes fans will go fast. We are far removed from the stories of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, although the Irregulars on Baker Street are interspersed with much news. Tom Bidwell, the creator of this English series, completely reviews the characters and incorporates a good amount of supernaturalism into the investigation. Each episode follows a different quest.
A color-blind series
Like the period series The Chronicle of the Bridgetons, the casting is diverse, with colorful actors, Royce Pearson and John Watson. Chinese-Northern Irish actress Tadia Abraham plays Bea, the leader of a teen marauding group.
Forbidden to those under the age of 16, The Irigulars will not be remembered, but will satisfy young people who love the stunning series.
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