Thomas Davenport and William Sturgeon developed the first electric motor in 1834. Since this motor rotates continuously, it can be used to perform various mechanical tasks from generating electricity. From ceiling fans to mixers and grinders that we use today, there is no place where an electromagnetic motor is not used. In the 19th century, scientists including Thomas Alva Edison invented various electrical devices using electric motors.
However, a DC motor requires electricity or a battery to operate. This motor rotates through electrical power. As the wind spins the blades on the wind pole, the motor in the center spins and generates electricity. Similarly, the water rotates a fan placed between the flowing waterfall and the motor in the middle runs and generates electricity.
But research has been going on for years to see if it is possible to spin a motor without the need for any external energy, including electricity, wind and water. Only if this is possible will the motor rotation never stop. It was hoped that this would continue to provide uninterrupted free electricity.
Even in India many of our mathematical geniuses were engaged in this research. An Indian mathematician named Bhaskara is said to have invented the non-stop spinning wheel centuries ago. But today’s modern physics says that a wheel cannot spin without external energy. Therefore, recognition of such inventions is prohibited. But it cannot be denied that many physics researchers around the world are still trying to build a scaleless energy machine.
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