Tuesday, June 18, 2024
HomeTop NewsNASA's Hubble Telescope photographs Sagittarius with rising stars

NASA’s Hubble Telescope photographs Sagittarius with rising stars

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The NASA The Hubble Space Telescope has released one of the most beautiful and stunning images ever captured: an inner cluster of stars. SagittariusWhere is a big cloud Smoke, dust and gases Inside are thousands of stars that have now been captured by it Space Viewer Infrared Imaging.

As explained European Space Agency (ESA) A colorful image reflects part of it, via NASA Flulo ‘NGC 6530’, The scientific name given to this part of the Lagoon Nebula Sagittarius located 4,350 light years from Earth.

A picture taken by a telescope Hubble Hubble’s filters were able to capture part of an interstellar cloud of gas and dust. Each color usually represents a material Sulfur, hydrogen, helium or nitrogenAmong other things, capturing them all through these viewfinders and their subsequent combination creates these full-color images.

Waves of gas and dust in the Lagoon Nebula captured by the Hubble Space Telescope in 2010. NASA/Hubble

The Hubble Telescope has imaged this nebula before and did so again for a reason: Discover new rising stars. As the ESA explains, “Astronomers investigated NGC 6530 Advanced camera and planetary camera are used for surveys Hubble Wide Field 2“. They did it with one goal: to find, again, “proplides,” the English term used to name the ionized protoplanetary disks that form around newly formed stars.

son Illuminated discs Previously seen in an area of The Orion Nebula, so finding them is not easy. Astronomers had hope in this area SagittariusSince nebulae are usually obscured Stars in the making.

This image is just the beginning of a study by NASA and ESA after the Hubble image. The new James Webb telescope will beAnyone applying their cutting-edge technology to delve deeper into this giant cloud of gas and dust will “explore Early stages and weakness from nakshatra birth”.

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