The controversy created by WhatsApp’s new terms and conditions has not been clearly received by its users, and it seems to be continuing. This activity This has led to a large outflow in the past to take advantage of other applications of a similar nature This forced the Facebook app to delay the implementation of projects until May 15.
In terms of signal, in the first three weeks The app has gained over 7.5 million users worldwide, According to data shared and compiled by the UK Parliamentary Home Affairs Committee THe is the Guardian. While being Telegram has already surpassed the incredible number of 500 million users.
In both cases, It seems that the increase is due to the leakage of WhatsApp users. In fact, in the first week of January, Even the top 1,000 apps did not have a signal, But by the 9th of the month it was already in place Became the most downloaded application in the UK, According to the media.
The news that they are going to share their data with Facebook on a compulsory basis from February 8 is that many users have not taken it well. WhatsApp’s bad communication about this new update is feared to infringe on the privacy of each of its users.. This was reason enough for many of them to decide to migrate to other applications. Also, due to this update, misinformation has been caught on this issue A large amount of misinformation was spread.
Given this, The company was forced to leave to make this clear in a statement On its website “We want to make that clear Updating policy does not affect the privacy of your messages With friends or family in any way. ”
It is not clear how this episode will continue for the messaging app, but it is known Your competition is gaining strength WhatsApp will no longer work alone in the near future.
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