16/8/2022–|Last Updated: 16/8/202208:59 AM (Makkah)
A number of raids on Yemeni military sites on the main road between Shabwa and Hadramaw governorates on Monday were drones targeting Emirati, Yemeni military sources said.
The same source added that one soldier was killed and two others were injured in the blast at the army check post.
He explained that since last Wednesday, drones believed to be Emirati had intervened in the skirmish line in Shabwa Governorate, and that the intervention had enabled Emirati-backed forces to take control of Ataq city after government forces withdrew.
In a parallel context, Emirati-backed Giants forces have taken control of the strategic Nada camp in eastern Yemen’s Shabwa governorate after a battle with Yemeni military forces, military sources said.
Sources indicated that the giants’ forces have strengthened their position in preparation for transferring the fighting near the Al-Okhla oil fields.
Emirati-backed Giants forces targeted them with artillery and heavy weapons and captured several points and gatherings of Yemeni government forces along the main road between Ataq in Shabwa Governorate and Al-Abr in Hadramaut Governorate.
A few days ago, the head of Yemen’s Presidential Leadership Council, Rashad Mohammed Al-Alimi, confronted the Yemeni people with the reality of the situation in Shabwa Governorate and the efforts of the Leadership Council to control the violent clashes. between government forces and other Emirati-backed forces in the city of Ataq.
Al-Alimi said – in a speech – that he had taken several measures; In addition to setting up a committee headed by the Minister of Defense and the membership of the Minister of Interior, including the dismissal of some leaders of the province, to investigate the facts and determine the responsibility of local authorities, military and security leaders, and submit the results to the Presidential Command Council to take appropriate legal action.
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