In 1966, Canal + and Sky Studio announced a new installment of the famous spaghetti western character Janko’s adventure, created by Sergio Corbuchi, and appeared in a total of 31 films in one form or another (including Quentin ‘Unchained Janko’ Tarantino).
Matthias Schonerts (‘Kursk’, ‘Hidden Life’) will now star as Franco Nero in a ten-part television series co-produced by Italian Catalonia and French Atlantic Productions, and filming is set to begin next May.
The series takes place in the Wild West between 1860 and 1870. “Sarah and John founded New Babylon, the city of the exiles, full of men and women of all races and religions, and all are welcomed with open arms.”
Frightened by her family’s murder eight years ago, Jamgo continues to search for her daughter, who is convinced she has escaped the murder. But now that Sarah, an adult woman, wants to go to Janko, she fears that if he stays, he will endanger New Babylon. However, Janko, who believes the city is in danger, decides to become its guardian for the second time so as not to lose his daughter.
The Canal + series will be distributed in France, Benelux and Africa, and Sky will also do this in Italy, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Austria and Germany, and Studio Canal will handle its international sales.
Leonardo Fazoli and Maddalena Rawagli (‘Zero Zero Zero’, ‘Gomora: Series’) will be the creators and writers of this series, of which Francesca Komencini (‘Gomora: Series’) will direct three episodes, working on the first two, the last, and the entire series.
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Wannabe twitter trailblazer. Troublemaker. Freelance beer evangelist. Amateur pop culture nerd.