The Netflix-produced “Lupine” series will reach 70 million views worldwide in its first month. This is the record of a French TV show starring Omar C as the modern day favorite and beloved thief of France. “70 million is crazy,” C tweeted.
The series and character are inspired by a hero of French literature from the beginning of the twentieth century, conceived by Maurice LeBlanc. Her granddaughter saw the adaptation.
“It simply came to our notice then. I found the first episode a little violent. The second is calm and more about what Maurice LeBlanc is doing. But obviously, it’s upgraded, it’s not in context now. So it is difficult to compare. Omar C Arsene is not Lupine. He’s an emulator of the Arsenal loop, he’s flying his own way, ”said Florence LeBlanc.
The book, based on the series in 1905 (Maurice LeBlanc’s Arsene Lupine, Gentleman Burglar), rose to become the highest-selling book on since the show began.
It soon became clear that the series had increased book sales. The book we often see in the hands of Omar C and his son in this series is already out of print, out of print. We look forward to re-publishing, and in the meantime, we follow the movement and capitalize on the appeal of books to young people, and we have recommended a number of books, ”said Amanda Spiegel, head of the bookstore.
Lupine’s victory on Netflix after La Casa de Papal marks the end of American dominance in television shows. It is a movement that drives platforms and the new aspirations of European, Latin American and Korean players.
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