Luca, the new Pixar animated film about two young sea creatures who dream of living among humans on the Italian Riviera. What prompted director Enrico Casarosa and his team to be included in the film?
The new Pixar animated film, Luca, is available at Disney +, and two friends, Luke and Alberto, spend their best summers in Puerto Rico. On this beautiful beach on the Italian Riviera, people spend time enjoying delicious gelatine and delicious pasta and taking long scooter rides.
But Luke and Alberto’s happiness is threatened by a kept secret: they are both sea monsters from a world below the surface of the water. Director Enrico Cazarosa, who signed with his first animated feature film Luka, is inspired by the various monsters of folklore, as it turns out, fascinated by “changes” LA Times :
“There are a lot of changes in folklore. I like Japanese folklore – there are foxes that look like humans and tanuki. There are also sales in Ireland. In Italy there is an old legend of Colapese, who becomes half a fish about a boy who lives in the water.
In addition to these legends, Enrico Casarosa and art director Diana Marziglisi are immersed in the imagination of sea creatures, the map of the sea, the Carta Marina, and the map of the sea. ‘Northern Europe Olas. Sixteenth-century Magnus.
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Diana Marziglisi told the LA Times “Medieval representation of sea monsters in folklore” But this is not enough. The two went to Italy to observe the different artistic representations of these folk creatures, especially mosaics. Both were perfectly attentive to the design of the animated film, which matched the beauty of the artwork.
Finally, even if Luke’s marine life is inspired by the very raw arts – from Renaissance works to scientific depictions of the fish of the region, including the representation of snakes and Japanese dragons – the artists have to adapt to a young audience, so that they are alluring, alluring, and alluring.
This very round and touching line of the outlines of the community of Luke, Alberto, and other sea creatures makes the characters very attractive and, above all, terrifying. It also goes through a smooth, natural and progressive transition between the human condition and the marine life:
“We have scales, retractable tails, a finger that splits in half – done the wrong way, and we’re away from the amount and the lyricist.
The design of Luke’s marine life works wonderfully, with vibrant colors, beautiful shapes, historical and artistic inspirations, and fascinating transformations. It’s hard not to get in touch with Luke, Alberto, and his companions in the depths of the ocean.
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