How a dozen from Ireland evangelized Europe: Luke Gasser shows his new picture on the SRF
Obwald artist and filmmaker Luke Gazer shows his latest film on Swiss television. “Gallus & Columbus” is how the Celtic monks brought Christ to Europe.
Scene from Luke Gasser’s documentary “Gallus and Columbine”.
It was an important journey. At the beginning of the seventh century, a group of monks from Ireland set out to spread Christianity in Europe. Columbus, Gallus and his comrades first came to the Franconian Empire, now in Belgium and eastern France. The men were inspired by Christianity and decided to spread it. Sometimes using cruel methods, they tried to expel people from the belief in German goddesses. “Mb was a fierce warrior,” said Luke Gasser, a Obwaldan filmmaker, who describes the monk as “very different from the general idea of the choir-singing monk who prays silently.” “Gallus was probably more spiritual, while his mentor Columbine was a religious warrior.” Luke Gazer adds that we only know about successful, sure, missionaries. No one knows how many were killed in the forests of Germany.
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