A French woman can only smile tiredly at more than 33 million people – the record jackpot of the 220 220 million Euro million lottery in France has been shattered. A spokesman for the German press agency’s La Francis des Juicz said on Saturday that the lucky winner now has 60 days to register for the win. The winning numbers for the Million Jackpot were drawn on Friday evening. By far, the biggest win from the French lottery was 200 million.
Has played Euro Millions since 2004. Players from France, Spain, Great Britain, Luxembourg, Belgium, Switzerland, Portugal, Ireland and Austria participate in the international lottery. Jackpot, a former record holder of 21 210 million, left for Switzerland in February.
In addition to the big winner, seven other Europeans can wait to receive a cash prize from the Euromillions Lottery. You typed six of the seven digits correctly and earned more than four million euros.
The Euro Millions lottery was launched in France, Spain and the UK. Other countries were later added. Most jackpots in the United Kingdom have been wrecked so far – but only by a slight margin on two co-founders, France and Spain.
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