Moguric Meetings Beyond the Walls: Loyal Jordan Plus Gods’ Gods of God Screening, June 8, 2022, Plusscat.

Mogurik’s Meetings Outside the Walls: The Tribe of the Gods Screening by the Loic Jordanian Media Library – L’Atlier 14 Place du Daphne PlusCat
2022-06-08 – 2022-06-08 Media Library – The Workshop 14 Place du Dufin
Pluscat 29430

L’Atelier Upstream offers the discovery of Loïc Jourdain’s documentary La Tribu des Diux as part of Rencontres de Mogueriec’s exploring the theme of insularity this year.
According to tradition, Patsy Dan Rodger was the last king of Tory Island off the northwest coast of Ireland. He watches over his inhabitants with the attention of the Father. Furthermore, the change of boat that provides contact with the continent will provoke the wrath of its inhabitants and lead this symbolic character to lead a campaign with them for respect for their traditions, culture and language. +33 2 98 69 88 81

L’Atelier Upstream offers the discovery of Loïc Jourdain’s documentary La Tribu des Diux as part of Rencontres de Mogueriec’s exploring the theme of insularity this year.
According to tradition, Patsy Dan Rodger was the last king of Tory Island off the northwest coast of Ireland. He watches over his inhabitants with the attention of the Father. Furthermore, the change of boat that provides contact with the continent will provoke the wrath of its inhabitants and lead this symbolic character to lead a campaign with them for respect for their traditions, culture and language.

Media Library – The Workshop 14 Place du Daphne Pluscoat
Last Updated: 2022-05-24

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