Welcome to Dublin Live’s live blog, where we talk about Kovid-19 and Locked Down all day.
The government will meet again at 2pm before heading to TV tonight to make a big announcement ahead of The Late Toy Show.
Taoist Michael Martin will address the nation after a cabinet meeting to make a final decision on whether to exit the Level Five lockdown.
Hairdressers, gyms and non-essential retail stores are expected to enter the country in a revised Level Three format that will allow it to reopen next week.
Last night it was revealed that pubs and restaurants are not limited to takeaways for Christmas.
(Image: RTE News)
Government leaders told Dublin Live that they were not taking the full advice of the NPET.
“It’s not NPET, NPET, NPET,” a member of the government’s senior select committee told Dublin Live.
At the end of the night, a special cabinet subcommittee in Covid met with members of the Dublin Live trio, Fianna Fൽil, Fine Gayle and Greens, as they left government buildings.
The meeting lasted much longer than expected, and it was finally postponed, and the whole cabinet arrived tomorrow for a final decision.
But Dublin Live has made it clear that it will not fully accept the stern advice from medical hawks in the NPET.
One of the top members of the government said: “It was a very long and difficult meeting, four and a half hours, bloody hell, the cabinet will ultimately decide.”
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That final decision will be made when the entire cabinet meeting convenes today at lunchtime.
In his speech, which is expected to take place this evening, Taoist Michael Martin will present new plans to the nation.
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Prone to fits of apathy. Unable to type with boxing gloves on. Internet advocate. Avid travel enthusiast. Entrepreneur. Music expert.