(Teleborsa) – The Tar of Lazio Rejected New request from Ryanair, August 5, Irish carrier asked to change the deadline for compliance with emergency measures to September 8 (precautionary hearing date)Enac Ordered to protect the most vulnerable passengers in air transportAllow seats free for minors and their parents and / or caregivers nearby. Is to give newsNational Civil Aviation Authority In a note.
Tar – ENAC explains – so there is The effective date of validity of the provision was confirmed on August 15, 2021 ENAC reaffirms passenger centrality within the civil aviation system.
“It is human to do wrong, and perseverance is diabolical,” he said President of Enoch Pierre Luigi de Palma Highlights – reads note – “Ryaner’s obligation to reconsider in court without adding new elements, but only to protect its financial interests, a complaint against the provision provided in the public interest, to protect the quality of travel and, at a glance, to ensure the rights of passengers and flight safety.” In view of the recall Enrico Giovannini, Minister of Infrastructure and Sustainable Mobility; Instead of waiting for the verdict, which was only proposed by Ryanair, it immediately matched the booking system with Enoch hints. ”
Passengers are reminded that ENOC will monitor its facilities and fail to comply with the terms and conditions of seating for minors and persons with disabilities from 15 August, using a special online form “Report / Suggestions”, available in the Passenger Rights section of the ENAC website.
For failing to follow instructions,Enoch will impose sanctions on airlines for between 10,000 and 50,000 euros.
Prone to fits of apathy. Unable to type with boxing gloves on. Internet advocate. Avid travel enthusiast. Entrepreneur. Music expert.